Integrated Annual Report 2023

Information on interested-party transactions

In 2023, the Management Board of Kazakhtelecom JSC approved and submitted to the Company’s Board of Directors 1 Decision of the Management Board and approved 7 Decisions of the Management Board concerning conclusion of interested-party transactions, including:

  1. Decision of the Management Board No.2/4 dated 09.01.23 “On entering into a transaction in which Kazakhtelecom JSC is an interested party – the Expenses Reimbursement Agreement with QazCloud LLP”.

    In accordance with the Management Board decision Kazakhtelecom JSC executed the Expenses Reimbursement Agreement with QazCloud LLP dated 19.01.2023 No.04-09-DV.
  2. Decision of the Management Board No.6/18 dated 03.02.23 “On some issues of financing Kazakhtelecom JSC”.

    In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Management Board decision, on 22 February 2023, the Company executed Additional agreement No.3 to the Guarantee Agreement No.561-15-SP dated 2 August 2019 with Kcell JSC.
  3. Decision of the Management Board No.24/91 dated 22.05.2023 “On conclusion of a transaction with National Information Technologies JSC”.

    In accordance with the Management Board decision the Company executed the Agreement on Procurement of Services No.0007400000000 728EEP2309004/00 dated 8 September 2023.
  4. Decision of the Management Board No.25/96 dated 29.05.2023 “On investment of temporarily free money of Kazakhtelecom JSC in financial instruments and conclusion of transaction with Kazpost JSC, in which Kazakhtelecom JSC is interested”.

In accordance with the Management Board decision the Company concluded:

  1. Agreement No.ND-1576 (No.255-17-DU) dated 29 June 2023 on provision of brokerage services with nominal holding with Teníz Capital Investment Banking JSC.
  2. Agreement on brokerage services with the right to maintain client’s accounts as nominee holder (for  legal entities) No.256-17-DU dated 29 June 2023 with Subsidiary of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan Halyk Finance JSC.
  3. Agreement by signing the Accession Statement to the Brokerage Services and Nominee Securities Holding Agreement (for a  legal entity) with Kazpost JSC.
  4. Decision of the Management Board No.30/110 dated 03.07.23 “On entering into a transaction in which Kazakhtelecom JSC is an interested party – Agreement for banking services in the Internet-Banking system with Kazpost JSC”.

    In accordance with the Management Board decision the Company concluded the Agreement by signing the Accession Statement to the Agreement on banking services in the Internet-Banking system with Kazpost JSC No.281-17-ZP dated 12.10.2023.
  5. Decision of the Management Board No.43/144 dated 02.10.23 “On entering into a transaction in which Kazakhtelecom JSC is an interested party – the Receivables Repayment Agreement between Kazakhtelecom JSC and Mobile Telecom-Service LLP”.

    Kazakhtelecom JSC made adjustments in terms of the interaction parameters specifying and approved Decision of the Management Board No.1/1 dated 15.01.2024 “On entering into a transaction in which Kazakhtelecom JSC is an interested party – the Receivables Repayment Agreement between Kazakhtelecom JSC and Mobile Telecom-Service LLP”.

    Kazakhtelecom JSC signed the Agreement and transferred to Mobile Telecom-Service LLP for signing.
  6. Decision of the Management Board No.47/156 dated 30.10.23 “On some issues of VOSTOKTELECOM LLP”.

    The Management Board approved the issue by its decision and submitted for consideration of the Board of Directors of Kazakhtelecom JSC.

    In accordance with the Decision of the Board of Directors dated 03.11.2023, Minutes No.12, the Agreement on antenna mast structures  lease No.23189 dated 19.09.2023 between VOSTOKTELECOM LLP and AFFA Engineering LLP as well as the Agreement on purchase of works No.23248 dated 22.12.2023 between VOSTOKTELECOM LLP and Kcell JSC were concluded.
  7. Decision of the Management Board No.56/192 dated 29.12.23 “On entering into a transaction in which Kazakhtelecom JSC is an interested party”.

    In accordance with the Management Board decision Kazakhtelecom JSC, represented by Information Technologies Division – a branch of Kazakhtelecom JSC, and Kcell JSC executed the Agreement No.944119/2023/1 dated 31.12.2023 on supply of “Cellular phone, smartphone, touch screen” in the amount of 2,882 units. In 2023, the agreement was fulfilled in full.