Integrated Annual Report 2023

Economic performance of the Company

Management approach

GRI 3-3

The economic component of Kazakhtelecom JSC activity plays an important role in strategic planning both for the Company and the national economy. It aims at increasing long-term value for shareholders and investors being one of the Company’s priorities.

As the  largest telecommunications operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Company strives to make a significant contribution to implementation of the strategic direction on modernisation and diversification of the country’s economy and promotes development of  local content.

GRI 201-1

Kazakhtelecom JSC strives to make a significant contribution to economic activity in the regions of its presence.

The Company creates direct economic value through its core activities, which generate income. The distribution of the created economic value takes place in the process of paying salaries to employees, dividends to shareholders, as well as taxes and other payments to the government; procuring goods and services and making voluntary social investments. For more information, see the Employee Engagement and Local Communities sections of this Report.

GRI 2-6, GRI 201-1
Direct economic value generated and distributed, 2023, million KZT
Data in the table are stated according to the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2023.