Integrated Annual Report 2023


Our approach

GRI 3-3

Kazakhtelecom JSC strives to increase energy efficiency of its production activities and to apply resource-saving technologies.

In 2023, we developed and approved the Energy Management Policy and analysed the Energy Register of production facilities consuming energy resources. The Company developed and approved the Documented Procedure on Identification of Energy Types. Determination of Basis. Energy Analysis. It provides for internal procedures to control quantitative and qualitative indicators of the Energy Register equipment.

Principles of the Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Energy Management Policy:

  • Compliance with the  laws of Kazakhstan, as well as national and international standards in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement.
  • Striving to achieve the  level of the best available technologies in the field of energy efficiency of production.
  • Rational use of fuel and energy resources.
  • Openness and availability of information on the Company’s energy efficiency.

The principles and provisions of the Policy apply to the following areas: provision of telecommunications services, management of procurement of goods, works and services, ongoing operation of telecommunications networks and infrastructure.

Key areas of the Policy:

  • Systematic and targeted improvement of the Company employees’ professional  level, as well as personnel knowledge in energy saving and energy efficiency of production.
  • Respond to changes in  legislative requirements, national and international standards in energy saving and energy efficiency and improve internal regulatory documents.
  • Consideration of energy efficiency as a procurement criterion wherever possible.
  • Selection of the most energy-efficient solutions when modernising key process and energy equipment.
  • Continuous monitoring of consumption and generation of fuel and energy resources in the main and auxiliary production processes.
  • Formation of mechanisms for motivation and involvement of the Company’s personnel in energy saving.

Alternative energy

Kazakhstan has set ambitious goals with regard to renewable energy sources - to increase the share of generation and consumption of electricity from RES. Kazakhtelecom JSC fully supports this goal and is ready to increase the share of RES energy consumption in the future. In accordance with the LCDP, Kazakhtelecom JSC considers purchasing of green certificates in 2032. Purchase of green certificates will allow to reduce indirect GHG emissions by Scope 2 by substituting imported electricity generated by burning fossil fuels with “green” electricity from RES.

Resource saving and energy efficiency

Transition to resource-saving technologies and energy efficiency improvement is one of the key directions for Kazakhtelecom JSC. The Company develops measures to minimise the consumption of imported electricity, heat and fuel resources when operating its own power generating facilities.

Key areas of intervention:

  • Upgrade of technological equipment;
  • Replacement of fluorescent lamps with LED  lamps in administrative premises;
  • Installation of motion/presence sensors for the lighting system;
  • Setting up sleep mode for personal computers and installing software to automatically switch off personal computers;
  • Application of reflective film on windows;
  • De-duplication and upgrading of copper networks to modern fibre optic technology;
  • Use of climatic systems applying free-cooling technology in the construction of new data centres;
  • Modernisation of existing data centres to improve energy efficiency;
  • Thermal modernisation of buildings and structures;
  • Optimisation of heated spaces in use (reduction of unused spaces).

GRI 302-1
Total consumption of fuel resources, GJ

In 2023, total fuel consumption made up 458,901.71 GJ, which was 8.7 per cent higher than in 2022. The main sources of energy are petrol and diesel fuel. The Company uses autonomous heating systems in 248 properties, including those operating on diesel fuel (at 103 properties), gas heating (at 103 properties), and solid fuel (at 39 properties, including 28 properties using electric boilers). In 2023, fuel consumption for stationary sources (boiler houses) significantly increased due to a  long period with minus temperatures.

GRI 302-1
Heat and electricity consumption for own process needs, GJ

In 2023, electricity consumption totalled 620.135 GJ. The indicator decreased by 0.35% compared to 2022 as a result of measures taken to switch PCs to sleep mode and complete shutdown and replacement of  lamps with  lamps with  lower power consumption.

GRI 302-3
Energy intensity

GRI 302-4, GRI 305-5
Total reduction of energy consumption through implementation of energy saving programmes

In 2023, the total energy consumption reduction made up 4,326.04 GJ due to the LCDP measures. As a result, we switched to sleep mode 11,458 PCs and installed 2,731 LED lamps and 210 motion sensors.

total energy consumption reduction in 2023 due to the LCDP measures

The Company plans to gradually convert heating systems to gas, which will contribute to reducing energy consumption.

Plans for 2024 and the medium term

In 2024, we plan to implement the following energy efficiency measures:

  1. Elimination of heat  losses through insulation of buildings and structures as part of measures to prepare the Company’s facilities for the heating season.
  2. Maintenance of autonomous heating systems.
  3. Mandatory energy audits.