Integrated Annual Report 2023


Our approach

GRI 3-3, GRI 2-25

Due to the specific nature of its operations, the Company does not have a significant negative impact on the environment and the quality of  life of the population in the regions where it operates. The Company seeks to minimise the impact of its operations on ecosystems through rational use of resources, energy efficiency, and improvement of production processes.

Environmental Management System

To manage the environmental aspect, Kazakhtelecom operates an environmental management system, which is part of the corporate governance system and an essential part of the non-financial risk management system. The Company is certified for compliance with the international standard ISO 14001. The system monitors the processes of reducing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and using environmentally friendly technologies for information transmission. In addition, the system records environmental risks and possible environmental consequences in the course of the Company’s activity, as well as is engaged in development of solutions to problems on reduction of energy consumption in the process of telecommunication services provision through introduction of energy and resource saving technologies at the Company’s facilities, as well as modernisation of equipment. Kazakhtelecom JSC implements measures on continuous improvement of the EMS in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001. Within the framework of these measures, we carry out internal and external audits.

Kazakhtelecom JSC built its environmental management system in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan and taking into account the best international practices.

Organisational structure of environmental management

In 2023, the Company’s organisational structure in the field of environmental protection (EP) remains unchanged. We manage environmental issues at two  levels. The department responsible for occupational health and safety coordinates these activities at both the head office and branch  levels. All planning, coordination, assessment of the Company’s environmental risks, and hazard identification are the responsibility of the Chief Director for Strategic Management.

Key regulatory documents of Kazakhtelecom Group in the field of environmental protection

GRI 2-23

The Company has a number of internal regulatory documents governing environmental protection activities. The provisions of these documents are binding on every employee of the Company:

  • Environmental policy;
  • Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Low Carbon Development Programme for 2022–2032 (hereinafter LCDP);
  • Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Action Plan of on environmental protection for 2022–2023;
  • Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Programme of internal environmental inspections;
  • Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Guidelines on management and conservation of biodiversity;
  • Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Guidelines on monitoring, reporting and reclamation of land resources;
  • Documented procedure for the identification of hazards, environmental aspects and risk assessment;
  • Documented procedure for identifying  legislative and other requirements in occupational H&S and environmental protection;
  • Documented procedure for monitoring occupational H&S and environmental indicators;
  • Documented procedure on production and consumption waste management;
  • Documented procedure for emergency readiness and response.

Precautionary Principle

The Company applies the precautionary principle for the EP. The Company’s risk management system assesses environmental risks. The Company has implemented the documented procedure for the identification of hazards, environmental aspects and risk assessment. The Company analyses and identifies impacts and potential consequences of projects that may affect the environment in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In accordance with the Environmental Policy and Low-Carbon Development Programme, the Company identified the following priority development areas in the environmental sphere:
  • minimising negative impact on the environment;
  • awareness of the extreme importance of the climate change problem;
  • complying with  legislation and national and international environmental standards;
  • adhering to the principles of sustainable development in the design and implementation of the Company’s activities;
  • responsibility of the Company’s management at all  levels for the effective functioning of the environmental management system;
  • disclosure of accessible and transparent environmental information to all stakeholders.

Priority areas in environmental protection

To achieve the set objectives, the following facilitates among others:

  • Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Action Plan on environmental protection for 2022–2023. The Plan reflects 30 main measures on natural resources rational use, monitoring and promotion of environmental initiatives among the Company’s employees;
  • Kazakhtelecom JSC’s LCDP for 2022–2032. The Programme was developed within implementation of the strategic objective to reduce carbon footprint in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Charter of Kazakhtelecom JSC.

Within the framework of Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Action Plan on environmental protection for 2022–2023, in the reporting period, the Company implemented measures to minimise environmental impact in terms of air emissions, waste generation and biodiversity. For more details, see the sub-sections Emissions, Waste and Biodiversity.

As part of raising employee awareness of international environmental requirements and ESG principles, the Company held a number of seminars on the topics “Sustainable Development and Priorities, Timing and Possible Outcomes of Integrating ESG Principles into the Company’s Business Processes” and “Low Carbon Development” in face-to-face and online formats.

Compliance with the  legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of environmental protection

GRI 2-27

Kazakhtelecom JSC annually implements measures to reduce the negative impact of the Company’s activities on the environment. In 2023, no violations of environmental legislation were recorded. In the reporting year, non-financial sanctions and other administrative penalties for violations in the field of environmental protection were imposed. In 2023, the Company paid environmental payments for negative environmental impact.

No violations of environmental  legislation were recorded in 2023.

In the reporting year, no non-financial sanctions or other administrative penalties for environmental violations were imposed on the Company.

Costs of environmental protection measures, ‘000 KZT

In 2023, in accordance with the Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Programme of internal environmental inspections, we inspected the affiliated branches in the Southern region and Almaty region for compliance with the  legislation in environmental protection:

  • Network Division Association
  • Telecom Komplekt Directorate
  • IT Directorate
  • Service Factory

Based on the results of the audit, the Company’s branches developed corrective action plans for the identified non-compliances in environmental protection. The responsible employees eliminated them.

Plans for 2024 and the medium term

The Company plans to implement the following measures to effectively manage environmental protection:

  1. Participation in obtaining ESG rating.
  2. Establishment of KPIs to achieve waste reduction at warehouses in the Company’s branches.


GRI 3-3

Systematic reduction of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere is one of the key components of Kazakhtelecom JSC’s environmental protection activities. The Company annually implements measures to reduce atmospheric emissions.

Taking into account the fact that the main sources of impact on atmospheric air are boiler houses and motor vehicles, the Company pays special attention to their timely maintenance, and operates generators, petrol generators and motor vehicles in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. During periods of  low activity, equipment engines are switched off; in case of power outages, stationary generators are used. The Company prepares a report on pollutant emissions on a quarterly basis in accordance with the deadlines set up by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

GRI 305-6
Volume of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) emissions, kg CFC-11- equivalent2
2 Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC -11- equivalent).

In 2023, in accordance with the methodology of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the Company carried out calculations for the following ozone-depleting substances used in refrigeration systems at the Company’s facilities: refrigerants R-407C, R-410A, chlorodifluoromethane (R-22), difluoromethane (R-32). The main producer of emissions of ozone-depleting substances is refrigerant R-22 with a share of 100%. In 2023, there is a decrease in emissions of ozone-depleting substances by 15.46%.

The Company accounts for refrigerants in cylinders and kilograms. When calculating ODS, the ozone-depleting potential coefficient of 0.055 was applied.

GRI 305-7
Air emissions structure, tonnes
Note to the table: the methodology has changed in the data submission for 2023. Total GHG emissions (unregulated + regulated) were reported for 2021–2022. Total GHG emissions for 2023 are 228.57 tonnes, of which regulated on the basis of statistical reporting submitted to state authorities (Form 2-Tp air) – 52.3 tonnes.

In 2023, the total volume of air pollutant emissions was 228.573 tonnes for non-regulated pollutants, of which 52.350 tonnes for regulated pollutants. Pollutants were calculated on the basis of the approved Methodology for determining the norms of emissions into the environment. The main sources of air pollutants are carbon monoxide (CO) and dust – they account for 35.4% and 34.9% respectively.

For operation of autonomous heating systems and diesel-generator sets in accordance with the requirements of environmental  legislation, the Company develops drafts of maximum permissible emissions. In 2023, Kazakhtelecom JSC transferred the facilities from the second category to the fourth category due to implementation of wastewater management measures at the facilities in Zhambyl region.

Plans for 2024 and the medium term

In 2024, we plan to reduce air pollutant emissions by way of:

  • Monitoring pollutants and recording of emissions.
  • Introducing quantitative targets to reduce air pollutant emissions.

Water resources

GRI 3-3

GRI 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5

The Company annually implements measures aimed at rational use of water resources and economical consumption of drinking quality water. The Company has no significant impact on water resources. The main sources of water supply are water supply organisations (water utilities). The Company does not use water from wells and other sources, except for municipal water supply networks.

Efficient use of water resources at all Company facilities is a priority goal of the Environmental Policy. The Company carries out water resources management in accordance with the regulatory documents:

  • The Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Plan on achieving  long-term objectives in the environmental management for 2020–2030 as approved by the Company’s Order;
  • The Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Action Plan on environmental protection for 2022–2023 as approved by the Company’s Order.

Water consumption

GRI 303-3, 303-5
Total volume of water intake, ‘000 m3
Note to the table: The Company’s water consumption in 2023 amounted to 251.005 thousand m3.
GRI 303-1, 303-3

The main sources of water supply are water from water utilities. The Company does not withdraw water from surface and underground sources in regions with water deficit. In 2023, there was a decrease in water intake by 2.75% due to the implementation of measures of the Kazakhtelecom JSC’s Plan on achieving  long-term objectives in the environmental management for 2020–2030.

Wastewater discharges

The Company uses water exclusively for sanitary and domestic needs. All the Company’s wastewater is discharged into the central sewerage network in accordance with the agreement.

GRI 303-4
Total volume of discharges by source, ‘000 m3

Assessment of the Company operations’ impact on water bodies at the trunk pipelines crossing points

In 2023, as part of the assessment of the Company operations’ impact on water resources, water bodies were monitored at the crossing points of the main networks. In the course of monitoring, the methods of cable  laying on the water bottom, cable burial under water and its impact on water quality and aquatic wildlife were studied. According to the monitoring results, maximum permissible concentrations typical for water bodies did not exceed. Quantitative and qualitative composition of fauna and coastal strip has not changed. According to the results of this assessment, the cable has no negative impact on water bodies.

Plans for 2024 and the medium term

The Company plans to implement the following measures to rationalise the use of water resources:

  1. Installation of water saving devices in administrative premises (water flow regulators, sensor faucets).


GRI 3-3, GRI 306-1, 306-2

The Company pays significant attention to responsible and safe waste management. We endeavour to reduce waste generation and increase the share of waste transferred for recycling.

The Company has a Documented Procedure on Production and Consumption Waste Management, which reflects the procedure for production and consumption waste management, including collection, temporary storage, utilisation, disposal, removal and monitoring of generated waste in accordance with the environmental  legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Company records waste volumes in registers and on the basis of waste movement acts (write-off, acceptance, disposal, etc.)

The Company’s branch Service Factory implements projects to improve and optimise business processes in waste management. Every year, Service Factory enters into an agreement with organisations to sell and dispose of the following types of the Company’s waste:

  • electronic and electrical equipment (climate control equipment, household appliances, electricity metering devices, standby power sources (DGU, DGA, mini-electric power plants), uninterruptible power supplies, EPP equipment, transformer substations, power tools, etc.);
  • chemical power sources (batteries of various types);
  • mercury-containing waste (fluorescent  lamps);
  • waste oil (waste oil from gas processing plants, motor vehicles, transformer substations, etc.);
  • waste paper (paper);
  • packaging (all types of packaging material).
GRI 306-3
Volume of generated waste, tonnes

In 2023, the total amount of waste generated made up 60.74 tonnes (excluding municipal solid waste). A third party disposes the entire volume of waste. The volume of municipal solid waste generated in 2023 was 3,234 tonnes.

GRI 306-5
Volume of disposed waste by hazard class, tonnes

In 2023, the amount of waste transferred for recycling increased due to the physical wear and tear of batteries.

In 2023, the Company developed waste passports for 21 types of its waste and registered them on the unified eco-portal. The Company is also considering the possibility of organising separate waste collection at sites with the special containers installation and temporary waste collection and storage sites.

Handling of discarded telecommunication equipment

The Company sends written-off telecommunications equipment (customer digital equipment (STBs, CDMA terminals, modems, routers, multimeters, modules, control boards, terminals and other equipment) and office equipment for sale to third-party organisations that hold an auction to sell them. In case of proper condition, the written-off telecommunication equipment is used as spare parts on the basis of the Company Standard “Rules for dismantling and disposal of written-off telecommunication equipment” as approved by the Company’s Order. The Company transfers part of the written-off equipment (including cable communication  lines using copper cable, cable scrap) to specialised organisations for storage and disposal of non-ferrous and ferrous metals.

Plans for 2024 and the medium term

The Company plans to implement the following measures for effective waste management:

  1. Inventory of production and consumption waste;
  2. Expansion of separate waste collection;
  3. Introduction of accounting by waste hazard classes.


GRI 3-3, GRI 304-1, GRI 304-2

The Company does not operate in protected areas or other areas of high biodiversity value.

Pursuant to the Environmental Policy, Kazakhtelecom JSC undertakes to promote the  level of biodiversity enhancement and prevent industrial activities in protected areas.

Within the framework of preservation of flora and fauna at the sites of construction and installation works (including cable  laying), the Company performs mechanical and biological recultivation, which minimise the risks of soil erosion and promote restoration of the vegetation  layer on the disturbed land plot.

In 2023, the Company adopted the Kazakhtelecom JSC’S Guidelines on Management and Conservation of Biodiversity establishing requirements for assessment and monitoring of biodiversity in the process of installation and operation of telecommunications equipment and backbones, as well as other areas of the Company’s activities and in the post-reclamation period.


The Kazakhtelecom JSC’S Guidelines on Management and Conservation of Biodiversity are available on the Company’s website.

In 2023, the Company carried out an independent assessment of the impact of its activities on biodiversity,  land, water resources in the areas where telecommunications equipment is present. KazTECO LLP carried out the assessment.

According to its results, the assessment identified no negative impact of the Company on  land resources, biodiversity. Qualitative and quantitative indicator of flora, fauna and  land resources did not change in comparison with fund data.

The detailed monitoring report is available on the Company’s website.

Plans for 2024 and the medium term

In 2024, Kazakhtelecom JSC plans to continue assessing the impact of its activities on the environment. The project will monitor biodiversity, atmospheric air,  land and water resources, physical impact on the environment and population in the urban environment. The main cities for monitoring are Astana, Almaty, Shymkent in connection with the introduction of high-speed Internet 5G and installation of base stations in these cities.