Corporate business
Kazakhtelecom is the leader in the telecommunications market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the corporate segment either. The Company has the most developed infrastructure, a large branch network, as well as a large technical and human resources potential.
Key performance results in 2023
The Company offers its customers a wide range of modern telecommunication services, including telephony, data transmission, internet access and satellite communication services. Based on the results of operations for 2023 in the corporate segment, the Company’s revenue by B2B, B2G, B2O segments totaled KZT 155.2 billion, net of VAT.
As part of the implementation of the strategic objective of Kazakhtelecom JSC in the corporate segment in 2023, the revenue growth amounted to KZT 4.2 billion against 2022.
Company’s revenue in the corporate segment, billion KZT

Revenues structure of the Company in the corporate segment in 2023, %
In the Company’s revenues structure in the corporate segment, the largest share of 39.7% is revenues from the provision of data transmission network services. The share of revenues from the domestic market operator makes up 35.5%, and the share of revenues under the agreement with international operators equaled 10.4%.
Changes in B2B and B2G segments, ‘000 devices

The decline in fixed line sales is an established global trend due to the development of messenger and social networking servicessubstitutes. Due to the formation of new regions and customers’ relocation to new regional centres, inventory and cost reduction measures, corporate networks were optimised, which led to the disbanding of FL, broadband, TV and IP VPN outlets.
ARLB growth for 2023 to 2022 in the context of Internet access and IP VPN services.
At the end of 2023 compared to 2022, ARLB’s commercial indicator increased by KZT 5,000 per month for each outlet of broadband Internet access, which is 10.3%, and by KZT 2,200 (5.9%) per month for each connected outlet of IP VPN.
As of the end of 2023, the customer base in B2X segments was 97,436 BINs, of which in B2O segment the contracts with 172 BINs of telecom operators were supported, in B2G segment – with 15,068 BINs of state organisations, in B2B segment – with 82,196 BINs of business companies.
Digitalisation and transformation results for 2023:
International operator segment (B2O)
In the international operator segment, in 2023, the Company implemented the following projects:
Construction of FOCL along the Caspian Seabed

Kazakhtelecom is implementing a strategically important project for the country – construction of the Trans-Caspian fibre-optic communication line (FOCL) along the Kazakhstan– Azerbaijan route, which is a part of the large-scale project Digital Silk Way – creation of a digital corridor between Europe and Asia.
The Trans-Caspian FOCL will provide data transit between Europe and Asia, as well as enable Kazakhstan to reserve existing routes and create an international digital hub on its territory. It will facilitate access to new markets and improve the usability of the internet and data transmission capacity between the countries. In addition, the project is also unique in that it will provide the first submarine cable route under the Caspian Seabed.
Within the implementation of the project on Construction of FOCL along the Caspian Seabed the parties signed an agreement on the terms of cooperation, registered a joint venture CASPINET B.V., the shareholders of which are Kazakhtelecom JSC and Azertelecom Int. Ltd.
Commissioning of the FOCL is planned for 2026, with the introduction of optical lines into commercial operation in the second half of 2026.
The main route will run along the route “Aktau–Sumgayit district” and will be about 370 km, the reserve canal with a length of about 330 km will be laid along the route “Kuryk– Buzovna”.
A FOCL bandwidth of 400 terabits per second (Tbps) is a very high data transfer rate. As an example, global Internet traffic per day in the early 2020s is estimated to be approximately 500 Tbps per second. This means that a bandwidth of 400 Tbps could provide almost 80 per cent of all daily global Internet traffic.
Organisational procedures completed in 2023:
- The foundation for the international project is laid.
- First steps in logistical and project preparation initiated.
- A business plan for the project is developed.
- Terms of reference for further design approved.
Plans for 2024 and the medium term:
- Tender documentation development to select a contractor for the design and construction of FOCL along the Caspian Seabed.
- Holding tenders and signing contracts with contractors and partners for the design and construction of FOCL.
- Start of the design phase for the subsea part of FOCL.
- Clarification of terms and stages FOCL construction.
We will inform on the project implementation in our next reports.
SuperHighway Initiative
As part of the SuperHighway initiative, Kazakhstan plans to build a high-speed digital information network (superhighway), with two branches stretching from China to Azerbaijan and Russia.
In January 2023, the Samruk-Kazyna Fund approved the Kazakhtelecom’s initiative on the development of a pre-feasibility study for the SuperHighway project. As part of the study, we determined the impact of the Super Highway and Super Data Centre on the economy, studied world experience, assessed risks, developed a technological solution, carried out survey work, and prepared a financial model. At present, Kazakhtelecom JSC works on defining conditions for the project implementation.
We will inform on the project implementation in our next reports.