Integrated Annual Report 2023

Financial performance for 2023

GRI 2-6

In 2023, the Company achieved positive results in the Long-Term Strategy implementation.

According to the results of the Kazakhtelecom JSC work in 2023:

Financial overview

In 2023, the Kazakhtelecom JSC Group of Companies generated KZT 687,782 million in consolidated revenues from the sale of services.
Revenue structure across Kazakhtelecom Group

In 2023, the Company obtained the  largest specific weight of revenues from:

  • data transmission network services with the share in the total revenue structure of Kazakhtelecom JSC of 53%;
  • cellular communication with a share in the total structure of revenues of 18.3%;
  • sale of goods with a share in the total structure of revenues of 5.1%;
  • provision of  local telephony services with a share in the total structure of revenues of 3.3%;
  • provision of converged services (FMS/FMC) with a share in the total revenue structure of 3.9%;
  • corporate infocommunication services with a share in the total revenue structure of 1.8%;
  • Pay TV with a share in the total revenue structure of 3.2%;
  • agreements with telecom operators connected to Kazakhtelecom JSC’s network with a share in the total structure of revenues of 0.4%;
  • other services with a share in the total structure of revenues of 4.4%;
  • calls with subscribers of third-party operators, including mobile operators with a share in the total structure of revenues of 3.4%;
  • agreements with international operators with a share in the total revenue structure of 2.1%;
  • video surveillance with a share in the total revenue structure of 0.5%;
  • labelling and traceability of goods with a share in the total revenue structure of 0.6%.
Dynamics of the most significant items of income for 5 years, million KZT
Changes in the structure of income in 2023 against 2022, million KZT