Integrated Annual Report 2023

Sustainability management

Our approach

Kazakhtelecom aims at  longterm sustainable development and in its activity adheres to ESG criteria: ecology, social responsibility, corporate governance. Sustainable development goals are integrated into the Company’s business strategy: we correlate all our actions and decisions with the interests of society.

Kazakhtelecom JSC’s principles in the field of sustainable development

We are open to dialogue with all stakeholders to build  long-term cooperation based on mutual interests, respect for rights and a balance between our interests and the interests of stakeholders.
We are aware of our responsibility for the impact on the economy, the environment and society and our accountability to shareholders and investors for the growth of  long-term value and sustainable development of the Company on a  long-term basis.
We base all our decisions and actions on transparency and timely disclosure of information to stakeholders.
Ethical behaviour
We base our decisions and actions on our values, such as respect, honesty, openness, team spirit and trust, integrity and fairness.
We respect the rights and interests of stakeholders.
We make decisions and act in compliance with the  laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Zero tolerance to corruption
We show zero tolerance to corruption in all its manifestations in cooperation with all stakeholders. Officials and employees involved in corruption cases are subject to dismissal and prosecution as stipulated by the  laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Respect for human rights
We observe and promote the observance of human rights provided for by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We categorically reject and prohibit the use of child  labour. Our employees are our main value and main resource. The results of our activities and the value created for investors directly depend on the  level of their professionalism and safety.
No Conflict of Interest
All violations related to a conflict of interest may damage the Company’s reputation and undermine the confidence in them on the part of shareholders and other stakeholders, and the personal interests of an official or employee should not affect the impartial performance of their official, functional duties.
Personal example
Each of us daily in our actions, behaviour and decision-making contributes to the implementation of the sustainable development principles.

Improvement of the sustainable development management system is an integral part of the Kazakhtelecom Strategy until 2032.

The Company developed and adopted ESG strategy in 2023, which is a part of the Company’s broader business strategy JRun, and takes into account the Company’s role in implementing state programmes in the areas of information technologies, education, infrastructure and low-carbon development, and contributes to more effective implementation of the tasks set to ensure financial well-being and competitiveness.

Kazakhtelecom JSC Mission
Formation of a  long-term ESG agenda at the  level of an advanced telecommunications company with minimal environmental impact. The Company’s activity aims at paramount improvement of social security not  limiting economic growth.

Areas of the Company’s activities in the field of sustainable development

Kazakhtelecom strategic directions in the field of sustainable development:

  • introduction of innovative info-communication technologies and services quality enhancement to improve people’s  lives;
  • stable economic growth;
  • reduction of environmental impact;
  • creation of attractive working conditions and ensuring safety of employees.

ESG priorities


  • reduced use of natural resources;
  • energy efficiency.


  • training and development of personnel;
  • increase in the  level of employee engagement;
  • occupational health and safety;
  • social stability.


  • shareholders’ rights;
  • best corporate governance practices;
  • fair remuneration.

The Company’s sustainable development principles

GRI 2-23

Kazakhtelecom JSC reflects ESG key principles in its main policies and documents:

  • Sustainable Development Policy (updated and approved by the Board of Directors’ Decision No. 5 dated 21 April 2023).
  • Environmental Policy (updated and approved by the Board of Directors’ Decision No. 5 dated 21 April 2023).
  • Human Rights Policy (approved by the Board of Directors’ Decision No. 6 dated 30 May 2023).
  • Equal Opportunities, Inclusion and Diversity Policy (approved by the Board of Directors’ Decision No. 6 of 30 May 2023).
  • Community Engagement Policy (approved by the Board of Directors’ Decision No. 6 dated 30 May 2023).
  • Health and Safety Policy (approved by the Management Board’s Decision No. 2/7 of 27 January 2020).
  • Anti-Corruption Policy (updated and approved by the Board of Directors’ resolution No. 11 dated 19 September 2023).
  • Policy for notification of alleged unethical/illegal actions (approved by Board of Directors’ Decision on 8 December 2023).
  • Employee Experience Strategy (approved by the Board of Directors’ Decision No. 8 dated July 21, 2021).
  • Personal Data Protection Policy of Kazakhtelecom JSC (approved by the Order No. 313 dated 6 October 2023).
  • Information Policy of Kazakhtelecom JSC (approved by the Order No. 153 dated 19 July 2023)
  • Code of Business Ethics (approved by the Board of Directors’ Decision No. 14 dated 28 May 2019).
  • Corporate Governance Code (approved by the Decision of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting No. 56 dated 7 December 2015).
  • Procurement Management Standard of Samruk-Kazyna JSC.
  • Supplier Code (approved by the Board of Directors’ Decision No. 2 dated 11 February 2022).
  • International standards ISO 14001, ISO 26000, ISO 9001, ISO 45001.

In addition, the Company informs its employees about the approval of new documents, including those related to sustainable development, through internal mailings.

All Company’s stakeholders can review all documents on the Company’s website