Integrated Annual Report 2023

Big Data Development

Kazakhtelecom pays considerable attention to the issues of data management, creation and development of Big Data infrastructure and expertise, as well as introduction of artificial intelligence into the Company’s business processes.

Kazakhtelecom continues introducing Big Data analytics as a tool for generating additional revenues of the Company, optimising business processes, improving the quality of services and maintaining  leading positions in the market.

In 2023, the Information Technology Division (IT Division) successfully implemented significant strategic steps in the area of data management and Big Data. Among them is the implementation of data management practices, adhering to the principles of Data Governance. The Company’s focus is on the global data governance standards DAMA-DMBOK and DCAM. This allows not only to ensure effective data management, but also to guarantee its quality, reliability and confidentiality.

We also successfully implemented key data management components such as DataCatalog, BusinessGlossary and DataQuality. These tools have significantly simplified the processes of working with data. At the same time, the Company is actively implementing domain-distributed data storage based on the telecom operator’s industry standards – SID TM-Forum TM-Forum.

In addition, Kazakhtelecom successfully  launched an analytical database based on Open Source technologies, introduced real-time analytics, which enabled the Company to promptly process and use data for making business decisions. Also, the Company pays great attention to the development and improvement of machine learning models.

In general, thanks to the ongoing work on Big Data, the number of active users of the corporate data platform and BI-analytics tool has grown significantly. Today, about 3,000 employees actively use these tools in their work. An important Company’s result is also the growth of free cash flow from data management through 2023. Thus, the Company has already developed more than 50 projects based on big data analysis, 26 of which showed FCF effect of about KZT 11 billion.

Tools involving the use of Big Data allow Kazakhtelecom to find an individual approach to each customer. The Company’s divisions also use them to improve their performance.

Data Factory

In November 2021, Kazakhtelecom created a special structural unit Data Factory dealing with infrastructure, data collection, processing and cleansing. In addition, the Company allocated specialists in each business unit whose main tasks were to analyse big data and use all the information accumulated by the Company to solve the business tasks of their area. In the past, requests for data were sent to a centralised division. Processing of such requests could take a long time due to the  large volume of tasks. To solve the problem more quickly, the Company decided to decentralise the process and train all employees working directly or indirectly with data in the necessary skills. Now we process all requests more efficiently.

The Data Factory promotes internal and external data monetisation, as well as increasing the maturity of big data management practices.

The first phase of the Data Factory audited the Company’s data  landscape, operating model and current analytical initiatives. The next step was to develop the target state of the data management function, including a roadmap of initiatives for three years.

At the moment, we implement the roadmap initiatives: components of the target architecture are deployed, business requirements are being collected for their further customisation, and workshops are being held with employees of structural units to implement the target operating model.

Kazakhtelecom plans that the Data Factory will become a key driver of the Company’s development as a multi-service operator providing various range of modern and digital services.

International experts recognised Kazakhtelecom’s Data Factory project that received awards for its contribution to the development and promotion of Big Data management tools and technologies:

  • Global CIO recognised Data Factory as the best IT project in the telecoms industry.
  • DAMA International recognised Data Factory as the best in the Embrace Transformation Award 2023 category.

Plans for 2024

  1. Implementing all tasks related to process automation and digitalisation of services.
  2. Ensuring uninterrupted operation of all systems and continuity of service provision.
  3. Fulfilling all targets set for the Information Technologies Division, including fulfilment of accrued revenue plans for the ICT business, solution of information security tasks.

The  largest planned initiatives:

  • implementation of the third stage of IT infrastructure modernisation;
  • construction of a new TIER III  level data centre in Astana;
  • migration of SAP ERP system to S\4 HANA;
  • improvement of the IT service management system and reengineering of business processes of providing services to customers and employees of the Company.