Integrated Annual Report 2023

Information transparency

Kazakhtelecom adheres to the information openness and transparency principles, confirming its readiness to follow corporate governance high standards. To improve the Company’s investment attractiveness and conduct a trust dialogue with stakeholders, the Company discloses information on its activity in accordance with:

  • laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Securities Market and On Joint Stock Companies;
  • requirements of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, Astana International Exchange Ltd;
  • requirements of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • the basic principles of disclosure and provision of information set out in the Corporate Governance Code;
  • the Company’s internal documents.

To ensure transparency, the Company is guided by the Information Policy. We developed our Information Policy in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter and Corporate Governance Code of Kazakhtelecom JSC and the Business Development Strategy until 2025.

Kazakhtelecom JSC implements its information policy by generating unique information messages about the Company’s activities to disseminate them through various communication channels and to deliver relevant information to the target audience. The purpose of each information message is to inform the target audience in an accessible and understandable form.

The Information Policy defines the basic principles and specific requirements for information provided by the Company about its activities to key target audiences:

  • shareholders and investors;
  • customers (corporate partners in B2B, B2C, B2G segments);
  • government authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • mass media, as well as other parties interested in receiving information about the Company, its products and services.

The Policy also imposes requirements for the protection of insider, proprietary and commercial information, as well as information classified as personal data by  law.

Information Policy Principles:

  • Reliability
  • Efficiency
  • Systemic approach
  • Proactivity and amicability
  • Pragmatism and care for the interests of target audiences
  • Digitalisation and multimedia
  • Confidentiality

The Internet resources of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (, Astana International Exchange Ltd. (aix. kz) and Information and Accounting Centre JSC ( publish information on the composition of the governing body and executive body of the Company, corporate events, the composition of major shareholders, upcoming general shareholders meetings and their results, securitiesrelated matters as well as financial statements and other information in the interests of shareholders and investors.

In addition, for wider outreach to shareholders and stakeholders, the Company discloses information, including publication of annual reports, on its official website at