Integrated Annual Report 2023

Corporate ethics

GRI 2-23

Corporate ethics issues at Kazakhtelecom are regulated by the Code of Business Conduct and the Corporate Governance Code. The Code of Business Conduct and the Corporate Governance Code are public documents and are freely distributed by the Company to employees, shareholders, customers, partners, and other stakeholders.

The Kazakhtelecom Code of Business Conduct is available on the Company’s website at

The Kazakhtelecom Code of Business Conduct is developed in  line with the  laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, takes into account the requirements of the International Labour Organisation, as well as the Charter, Corporate Governance Code and a number of other internal documents of Kazakhtelecom JSC.

The provisions of the Code of Business Conduct and the Corporate Governance Code are binding on all employees and officers. The Company’s officers and employees acknowledge in writing that they have read the Code of Business Conduct. In addition, the Company provides regular training to its officers and employees to ensure that they understand the Code of Business Conduct, the role of the Ombudsman and the availability of the system for reporting suspected violations.

The Ombudsman ensures compliance with the principles of business ethics and settles social and  labour disputes. The Ombudsman is a Company’s employee appointed by the Board of Directors to assist the Company in preventing and resolving conflicts in social and employment relations, protecting the rights and  legitimate interests of employees, establishing and developing corporate values and observing business ethics.

The main principles of the Company’s business ethics are:
  • Compliance
  • Fairness
  • Good faith
  • Transparency
  • Liability
  • Competence and professionalism
  • Trust
  • Meritocracy