Milestones 2023
10th of January
Leading telecommunication companies of
Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan Kazakhtelecom JSC
and AzerTelecom JSC entered into the Agreement
on the Terms of Cooperation within the project
on laying a fibre-optic communication line
(FOCL) on the Caspian Seabed. The Agreement is
a fundamental document of strategic partnership
and defines the main terms of cooperation between
the two companies within the framework of the
memorandum signed earlier.
16th of January
Salem Social Media, a Kazakhstan media
company for creation and promotion of
video content, and Kazakhtelecom JSC, the
largest telecom operator of Kazakhstan,
signed a memorandum implying joint work
on film production and its broadcasting on
the TV+ platform.
2nd of February
Kazakhtelecom JSC organised a regular meeting with current and potential
suppliers of goods and services to discuss the issues and problems in the field
of procurement accumulated since the last conference in October last year.
Kazakhtelecom holds such meetings on a regular basis, inviting businesses
to reform and optimise procurement procedures. Thus, based on the results
of last year’s meetings, the telecom operator, in co-operation with suppliers,
managed to resolve a whole range of issues related to the increase in prices
for cable and wire products, purchase of wooden poles, furniture and other
goods and services.
21st of February
Following Astana and Almaty,
Kazakhtelecom JSC scales GPON
technology in other regions of
the country. Kazakhtelecom JSC
connected residents of more than
50 new residential complexes
in Petropavlovsk to high-speed
Internet via Gigabit Passive
Optical Network.
21st of February
Kazakhtelecom JSC continues the large scale
project on modernisation of its own
infrastructure in single-industry towns. In
2023, Khromtau joined the list of “optical”
cities where Kazakhtelecom transferred
the whole city from outdated copper ADSL
technologies to modern fiber-optic lines
under a separate programme by the end of
the year.
2nd of March
Kazakhtelecom JSC launched the Telecom
Data Factory online internship programme
for 3–4-year students, undergraduates and
graduates of technical specialties. During
the internship, the programme participants
perform practical tasks and work on projects
in the field of Big Data, and get a chance
to join the team of Kazakhtelecom’s IT
9th of March
On the eve of the International Women’s Day, Lyudmila
Atamuratova, the Chief Financial Director and a member
of the Kazakhtelecom Management Board, took part in the
opening ceremony of trading on KASE: Kazakhstan Stock
Exchange Ring the Bell for Gender Equality. One of the main
goals of the large-scale event is to draw the attention of the
world community to the prospects of gender inclusiveness
development and support of gender equality in the context
of sustainable development policy and ESG principles.

11th of April
Kazakhtelecom JSC switched 6,000 residents of Turkestan
region from copper to optical fibre. Since the beginning of
the year, the Company has already completed 23% of the
plan on migration from ADSL to GPON in Turkestan region,
and active work on transferring the region’s residents to
optical fibre continues. In general, the Company plans
to completely move away from copper throughout the
country, especially since we have already a successful
pilot experience, when last year the Company completely
switched the city of Kurchatov to optical networks.
14th of April
Kazakhtelecom JSC continues to build up its
international presence and infrastructure abroad to
improve the quality of services for customers and
strengthen national and global network security. The
day before, Kazakhtelecom and Microsoft completed the
project on installation of direct peering between their
systems in Frankfurt that improves access to Microsoft
services for Kazakh customers and provide them with
more stable operation of services in the country.
25th of April
Kazakhtelecom Group in cooperation
with the state within the framework
of the Affordable Internet national
project plans to provide modern
telecommunication services and facilities
to about 5 million villagers. The Company
launched the project in April 2023 and
plans to implement it in 2024–2028.
16th of May
New exclusive series of the Kazakh video
production studio Salem social media will
replenish the Kazakhtelecom’s popular TV+
platform. Starting from this month, users of
the service can already be among the first to
appreciate the dramaturgy and director’s work
of the exclusive pictures “Black Yard”, “MSB”,
“Qarga” and “Sheshe”.
17th of May
In Q1 2023, video surveillance cameras made it possible to identify
over 680,000 violations of traffic rules, record more than 136,000
administrative violations and helped solve almost 3,000 criminal
cases (according to statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of
the Republic of Kazakhstan). Video surveillance systems including
Kazakhtelecom equipment integrated with the law enforcement database
record over 9,000 violations a day.
31th of May
Kazakhtelecom JSC extended peering connection with Amazon’s
autonomous system by organising a new direct physical
connection with Amazon Web Services (AWS) network in Hong
Kong. In general, the largest telecom operator completed
organisation of direct connections with the largest Internet
companies: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google in
Europe and Asia and now exchanges traffic with them directly
without transit systems.
23rd of June
Leading telecom operators of Kazakhstan and
Azerbaijan Kazakhtelecom JSC and AzerTelecom
within the framework of the visit of the Prime
Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov to
Baku signed the Shareholders’ Agreement on
establishment of a joint venture for construction
and operation of the Trans-Caspian fibre-optic
communication line (FOCL) along the Caspian
29th of June
Since 2022, Kazakhtelecom has been
implementing the Tazartu project to replace
outdated copper networks with modern optical
fibre. For two years of the project implementation,
the Company has switched over 113,000 customers
by replacing outdated copper networks with
modern fibre optics. By the end of 2023, we plan
switching another 23,000 more customers.
4th of July
The head of the Samruk-Kazyna Fund met
with Kazakhtelecom top management.
Kazakhtelecom’s Chairman of the
Management Board Kuanyshbek Yessekeyev,
as well as heads of mobile operators Kcell
Askhat Uzbekov and Mobile Telecom-Service
Sergey Konkov told Nurlan Zhakupov about
interim results of implementation of the
large-scale project on introduction of 5G in
the country.
26th of July
Kazakhtelecom JSC presented a new mobile
application E-Kassa. The telecom operator’s new
product will help businesses simplify the process
of accounting for sales of goods and services, as
well as save on the purchase of cash registers.
Google Play Market users can already appreciate the
advantages of the application.

17th of August
Kazakhtelecom JSC, the country’s largest telecom operator, and
Eurasian Resources Group, one of the world’s leading companies
in the field of extraction and processing of natural resources,
intend to create a joint investment fund. The parties have
already signed the corresponding agreement, the fund will be
registered on the site and under the legislation of the Astana
International Financial Centre. The fund will focus on supporting
and developing projects in IT, media and fintech.
Kazakhtelecom JSC set a course for 100% transfer of legal entities from offline to online sales and service format. To this end, the functionality of the business portal ismet.kz is being expanded and new digital services are being created.
Kazakhtelecom JSC set a course for 100% transfer of legal entities from offline to online sales and service format. To this end, the functionality of the business portal ismet.kz is being expanded and new digital services are being created.
18th of August
Kazakhtelecom JSC put into operation 84 additional rack spaces
in the existing modular data centre in Almaty. After the works
on expansion of machine halls, the capacity to accommodate
customers’ equipment increased several times. Now the total
number of rack spaces of the data centre is 168.
5th of September
Kazakhtelecom JSC studied the impact of
its equipment on the environment. The
Company, being the country’s largest
telecom operator, will include the
assessment results of its equipment’s
impact on Kazakhstan biodiversity, land and
water resources in its application for the
implementation of ESG-principles, reflecting
the efforts of various companies to reduce
risks associated with climate change and
social factors.
7th of September
Kazakhtelecom JSC offers cooperation
in connecting new users to the mobile
application of online cash register E-Kassa
with FDO. Starting from 1 September,
anyone can become a consultant and help
entrepreneurs to connect the fiscal data
operator’s service from Kazakhtelecom.
22nd of September
Kazakhtelecom Group will install more than
700 5G base stations by the end of 2023.
Kazakhtelecom Group continues to implement
a large-scale and most important project
for the country – deployment of the fifth
generation communication standard.
The most active network infrastructure updating takes place in the cities of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent. At the same time, residents of Turkestan, Kostanay, Karaganda and Semey already have access to the 5G network. Since the beginning of the year, the Company has connected 266 base stations to provide 5G coverage. We plan to connect about 516 more base stations by the end of this year.
The most active network infrastructure updating takes place in the cities of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent. At the same time, residents of Turkestan, Kostanay, Karaganda and Semey already have access to the 5G network. Since the beginning of the year, the Company has connected 266 base stations to provide 5G coverage. We plan to connect about 516 more base stations by the end of this year.
12th of October
Kazakhtelecom JSC presented two largest and
strategically important for the country and population
projects at the annual IT forum Digital Bridge. In
particular, they are the project to construct a fibre-optic
line along the Caspian Seabed in cooperation
with the Azerbaijan company AzerTelecom, and the
project to deploy the fifth generation communication
standard, 5G in Kazakhstan.
24th of October
Kazakhstan’s fans of cyber sports have gained
access to local servers of the mobile game PUBG
MOBILE. Kazakhtelecom JSC deployed them on its
infrastructure under agreements with the right holder
of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds Mobile, Tencent
26th of October
At the meeting with potential suppliers and
representatives of contracting organisations,
Kazakhtelecom’s top managers spoke about one of
the Company’s strategic objectives for 2024 – to
reduce the Time to Market for its services. This will
make it possible to quickly satisfy customer demand
for telecommunications services and speed up the
implementation of various projects.
16th of November
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange at the forum Role of
Exchanges in Transformation of Financial Markets
held in Almaty awarded Kazakhtelecom with the title
of Equity Market Leader. In addition, the Company’s
CEO and CFO received individual awards for their
contribution to the development of the domestic
capital market.
27th of November
S&P Global Ratings affirmed the credit rating of
Kazakhtelecom JSC at BB+ with a Stable outlook,
reflecting further organic revenue growth and
moderate level of the Company’s debt burden.
6th of December
Fitch Ratings affirmed the credit rating of Kazakhtelecom
JSC at BBB- with a Stable outlook, drawing special attention
to the stable market positions of Kazakhtelecom Group
of companies, as well as a significant margin of financial
7th of December
Kazakhtelecom JSC and Smart Cities, a member of BTS Digital’s AITU digital
ecosystem, signed an agreement on co-operation in developing cloud technologies
in Kazakhstan, as well as expanding the line of cloud solutions and products. The
Company has already introduced the first few joint cloud services on its business
portal ismet.kz.
13th of December
Kazakhtelecom actively continues implementation of the
project on upgrading its Tazartu network infrastructure. Only
this year, Kazakhtelecom switched almost 55,000 subscribers
throughout the country to fibre-optic communication lines.
Thus, the Company recently completed large-scale migration
of customers from ADSL to GPON of Stepnogorsk residents and
this city became the second “optical” city in the country after
26th of December
Mobile operators Tele2 and Kcell, part of Kazakhtelecom Group, continue to increase the
pace of deployment of the fifth generation network in the country. Kcell has already
installed 480 5G base stations in 17 cities of the country, and Tele2 – 754 ones in 18
cities. Hundreds of thousands of Kazakhstan people are using all telecommunication
and digital services using the new communication technology. The speed and scale of
implementation of the 5G project by Kazakhtelecom Group made Kazakhstan a leader
among the EAEU countries in the implementation of the fifth generation network.