Message from the Chairman of the Management Board

Dear shareholders, colleagues, customers and partners,
Today I am pleased to share with you the results of our Company’s operations in 2023, becoming one of the most intense and productive years taking into account implementation of strategically important projects not only for Kazakhtelecom, but also on a national scale.
In 2023, we set ambitious goals related to the development of the Kazakhstan’s telecommunications infrastructure. The Company invested significant resources in the build-up, construction and modernisation of the network to ensure its reliability, security and high bandwidth capacity. Kazakhtelecom was the first and the only one in the CIS to launch a commercial 5G network, opening up new opportunities for business, education, medicine and entertainment.
The Company has launched a unique project on construction of the Trans- Caspian submarine fibre-optic communication line. This will create a new international telecommunications hub in Kazakhstan and increase the country’s transit potential.
We transferred thousands of subscribers from outdated copper lines to modern optical technology to improve the speed and quality of broadband access, launched a completely updated network Super Core, multiplying the performance of P-device backbone nodes, and modernised edge nodes to provide more stable and faster Internet connections to external networks. Our own nodes have appeared, extending our network infrastructure to the largest traffic exchange centres in Europe and Asia. This has improved the availability and connectivity of our network and, as a result, the quality of service for our customers.
Despite significant capital expenditures on the development and modernisation of telecom infrastructure, the Company maintained a comfortable level of liquidity and financial stability, which indicates the high efficiency and effectiveness of the entire team’s activities.
At the same time, we continue to adhere to our JRun Development Strategy 2032 adopted at the end of 2022. This document is a kind of roadmap or step-by-step guidance with a clearly outlined set of tools to achieve the goals and objectives set therein for the entire team of Kazakhtelecom. Above all, to deliver on our key mission – to become an indispensable and familiar part of everyone’s life, changing, surprising and exceeding expectations.
I would like to note that in the coming years JRun will become a real desk book for each of us, guiding all members of the Kazakhtelecom in their plans, works and actions.
The Company also focused on improving customer satisfaction as our core value. We constantly worked on improving the quality of services, shortening connection and repair times, solving all customer problems in one visit. As a result, we achieved high performance in all these parameters in 2023 and tNPS (customer loyalty index) reached 84% last year.
We are confident that we will continue to make steady progress towards achieving our strategic goals, while maintaining high standards of quality and social responsibility in 2024.
In conclusion, I would like to thank all members of the Board of Directors, the Management Board and all employees of the Company for their professionalism, efficiency and teamwork.
Kuanyshbek Yessekeyev, Chairman of the Management Board of Kazakhtelecom JSC