Stakeholder engagement
Effective stakeholder engagement is an important component of sustainable development. As the largest provider of telecommunications services in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Company has a significant impact on stakeholders. In turn, the interests and expectations of stakeholders influence the setting of the Company’s strategic goals and their fulfilment. Kazakhtelecom JSC strives to build partnership relations and conduct a constructive dialogue with stakeholders.
Kazakhtelecom JSC identifies two groups of stakeholders:
- The immediate circle (area
of direct influence) includes
stakeholders that have direct
and significant influence on the
decisions made by the Company
or are under the influence of
these decisions. The immediate
circle of stakeholders includes:
- Shareholders.
- Employees.
- Subsidiaries.
- Trade Union.
- Partners (including international) and suppliers of work and services.
- Customers.
- Far circle (area of indirect
influence) includes stakeholders
that have indirect influence
on the decisions made by the
Company. The far circle of
stakeholders includes:
- Government authorities.
- Competitors.
- International organisations.
- Financial institutions.
- Creditors.
- Exchange, Registrar.
- Population.
- Public organisations and local community.
- Media.

Kazakhtelecom Stakeholder Map
In 2023, the Company updated the Stakeholder Map, revised it in accordance with the world’s leading practices in the field of sustainable development, and developed the Communication Plan of Kazakhtelecom JSC on interaction with stakeholders for 2023.
The Company’s updated Stakeholder Map is available on the Company’s website
Stakeholder engagement
Inner circle of stakeholders
- growth of the Company’s value;
- receipt of dividends;
- stability and expansion of the Company’s operations;
- transparency;
- effective risk management;
- maximisation of the Company’s value and dividend.
- financial resources allocation;
- statutory capital replenishment.
- dividend payment;
- annual financial and non-financial statements approval;
- the JRun transformation programme implementation;
- holding meetings, negotiations, appointments;
- discussing and making key, strategic and investment decisions;
- holding surveys, questionnaires, testing.
- Company’s results and achievements;
- Company’s development prospects;
- HR and social policy;
- safe and comfortable working conditions;
- human rights observance;
- personnel involvement and development prospects;
- material and non-material motivation measures, youth policy;
- collective bargaining agreement.
- human resources;
- loyalty.
- taking measures to create safe and decent working conditions;
- involving employees in the Company’s management process;
- social benefits;
- corporate training and development programmes;
- regular meetings with management;
- functioning of internal corporate communication channels, hotline;
- online feedback mechanisms (surveys/ questionnaires).
- respecting the interests of shareholders/participants.
- respecting the interests of shareholders.
- regular monitoring of the performance of subsidiaries;
- continuing the mobile business development together with subsidiaries;
- participating in decisions of the Company as a shareholder.
- social responsibility and protection of employees;
- the collective bargaining agreement terms fulfilment;
- compliance with the law.
- contribution to ensuring social stability;
- regulation of labour relations and conflict resolution.
- compliance with all clauses of the collective bargaining agreement;
- provision of material assistance to the Company’s employees in the form of interest-free loans;
- holding public hearings;
- functioning of internal corporate communication channels, hotline.
- commercial interests.
- joint implementation of projects;
- transfer of technologies, competences and innovations.
- mutually beneficial co-operation;
- participation of partners in making strategic decisions of the Company as a shareholder;
- meetings, negotiations, business correspondence;
- reports on current activities.
- commercial interests;
- quality characteristics of services;
- continuity of services;
- qualified service support.
- Company’s loyalty;
- financial resources through goods and services acquisition.
- interaction within the agreements/contracts framework;
- service quality improvement;
- online service;
- increasing and improving support service channels;
- customer feedback system;
- customer satisfaction analysis.
Outer circle of stakeholders
- performance of legislative and executive functions;
- implementation of the state telecommunications policy, job creation.
- state regulation.
- task forces, forums, conferences;
- meetings, negotiations, business correspondence;
- timely reporting on current activities;
- provision of feedback;
- verification of compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- market share increase.
- market development.
- adherence to the fair competition principle.
- developing international co-operation between member countries of ITU, RCC, exchange of experience, adoption of common standards in the use of technology;
- ensuring the requirements of international standards and agreements on sustainable development, fair and balanced growth in compliance with environmental norms and in the development of info-communication services.
- international grants;
- opportunities for future development.
- conferences, sessions, meetings forums;
- signing of agreements, treaties and memorandums, cooperation agreements.
- placing free cash on deposits, servicing special accounts.
- providing favourable conditions for free cash placement.
- interacting within the agreements/contracts framework.
- targeted use of funds;
- compliance with the terms and conditions of loan agreements;
- timely repayment of principal and interest;
- stability and transparency of the Company’s operations.
- provision of funds.
- interaction within the agreements/contracts framework;
- general meeting of bondholders;
- disclosure of information through mass media, the Company’s website;
- provision of reports according to credit agreement requirements.
- securities market development (listing rules, registrar rule book).
- opportunity to participate in the securities market development.
- negotiations, meetings with stakeholders;
- providing feedback through mass media.
- job creation;
- transparent information about the Company’s development prospects;
- quality of services;
- attractiveness of tariffs for services;
- social and charity programmes;
- health safety.
- support in the regions of the Company’s operation.
- evelopment of regions of presence;
- interaction via social networks, hotline;
- reputation audit;
- charitable activities;
- public reporting.
- various issues, within the activities of public, non-governmental organisations.
- co-operation on mutually beneficial terms.
- co-operation within the framework of agreements;
- public reporting.
- informing the public about the Company’s activities.
- constructive co-operation;
- favourable public opinion.
- publication of information about the Company;
- social networks, hotline;
- provision of responses to media enquiries;
- public reporting.
Channels of communication with stakeholders
The Company adheres to the principles of information openness and transparency and provides stakeholders with information on its activities.
Kazakhtelecom JSC interacts with stakeholders using various communication channels:
- Information on the Company’s activity is placed on the website
- Information on the Company’s activity, which is material for shareholders, is published in the Company’s annual reports.
- The Company has online communication channels.
- The Company publishes news on corporate projects, training and development programmes, as well as motivation and social benefits for employees on its internal corporate portal.
- There is a Hotline for complaints related to violations of legislation (fraud, corruption, discrimination, unethical behaviour, etc.).
- There is a special platform with information for B2B clients
- The Company’s news is published in mass media.
Stakeholder engagement as part of report preparation
The Company endeavours to take stakeholders’ opinions into account when preparing the Annual Report and, in particular, the Sustainability Report.
When preparing the 2023 report, the Company set the following objectives for the dialogue with stakeholders:
- to inform stakeholders about the release of the 2022 Report;
- to collect stakeholder suggestions on the content of the 2023 Report, including recommendations on material topics that the Company should disclose in the 2023 Annual Report.
We conducted the stakeholder dialogue in accordance with the recommendations of the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards).
The Company held a dialogue with stakeholders as part of the preparation of the 2023 Report in a remote format. Stakeholders were surveyed by means of questionnaires.
The following groups of stakeholders participated in the dialogue: representatives of state authorities, the Management Board members, Samruk-Kazyna JSC (main shareholder), customers, business partners, experts, representatives of public organisations, trade union representatives, heads of the Company’s divisions, as well as employees of the Company’s regional divisions. These included: KPMG Tax & Advisory LLC (as ESG experts), Centre for Social Engagement and Communications, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, Atameken NPP, Association of Nature Users, Ministry of Digital Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Development Bank of Kazakhstan.